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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

No! Cellulite a Myth? Really? Nutrition Quackery 105 continues from Fitness Elements Express

Secret Truths of Nutrition Quackery 105

No! Cellulite a Myth? Really?

I could just scream at this topic alone! I get asked about spot reduction and if cellulite is a Myth all the time. Natalie I want to lose my excess on my belly, or how can I get rid of the cottage cheese on the back of my thighs in just two weeks? Natalie how can I do that? Tell me you are you kidding me right? I want you to listen carefully there is absolutely no way to spot reduce or suddenly make cellulite disappear! Everyone's body is different and unique your body will lose the way it wants to naturally. Some people may lose it in their thighs first, some may lose it in their face first and so on. Try and be happy with what you got and work hard on all body parts as a whole to accomplish your health, fitness, and nutritional goals. To think otherwise is foolish and will set you up for failure and disappointment. If it took you 2-10 years to put it on then need I say more!

No, exercise, dietary, or other non-surgical treatment can produce spot-reduction. While the amount of body fat is determined to a large extent by eating and exercise habits, the distribution of body fat is determined by heredity and sex. Reduction of particular part can only be accomplished as part of an overall weight-reduction program (Barrett and Herbert).

Exercise, even when localized, draws from all bodily fat stores, not from just the local fat deposits. Tennis players have been found to have the same triceps skin fold measurements on both arms, even though their dominant arm was exercised more (FDA Consumer).

Exercising a specific area does increase muscle tone and may make the person look thinner. For example, substantial reductions in abdominal girth can result from localized exercise such as sit-ups. This is not due to fat loss. Rather, the abdominal muscles are strengthened and are better able to hold the abdomen.

Exercise does appear tp preferentially reduce fat stored in the upper body and abdominal regions. (android obesity) compared to fat stored in the gluteal and femoral regions (gynoid obesity). Since android obesity places an individual at greater risk for chronic diseases (coronary heart disease, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and Type 2 diabetes), exercise confers significant health benefits, Although gynoid obesity is more frustratingly resistant to the effects of exercise than android obesity, it also does not confer as great health risk (NHLBI).

As promised from my previous article about the Cellulite Myth. Many companies have programs and products claimed to remove cellulite. Cellulite is alleged to be a special type of fat gone wrong-a combination of fat, water, and toxic wastes that the body has failed to eliminate (FDA Consumer, Updated 2008).

Cellulite is not a medical term or even a legal one, as the areas so named are ordinary fat tissue. Strands of fibrous tissue connect the skin to deeper tissue layers and also separate compartments that contain cells. When fat cells get larger, these compartments bulge or produce a waffled or "orange peel" appearance of the skin (FDA Consumer, Updated 2008).

Many women have these bumps, even women who don't have extra fat around the thighs and buttocks. Women tend to deposit fat in the hips, buttocks, thighs and breasts. It's simply a fact of female physiology, appropriate for child-bearing (Tufts Univ. Diet & Nutrition Newsletter). The anti-cellulite products that don't work are:

loofah sponges
horsehair mitts
cactus fiber washcloths
creams to dissolve cellulite

So ladies I will leave you with this the salons that offer treatment with eletric muscle stimulators, vibrating belts, and body wraps (FDA Consumer, Updated 2008) Beware!

Have a happy and healthy day!

Refernces: Nutrition Dimension, Ellen Coleman, (Barrett and Herbert).

By, Natalie Pyles

NSA Speaker, Author, Medical Exercise and Post Rehab Conditioning Specialist, Licensed Nutritionist, Health, Fitness, and Holistic Nutrition and Nursing Educator

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Weight Loss Reality Check Revealed! Nutrition Quackery 104 from Fitness Elements Express!

Secret Truths of Nutrition Quackery 104

Weight Loss Reality Check Revealed!

Listen up my Health and Fitness Friends this is a question I get asked all the time and it confuses people all the time. An effective weight reduction program includes a nutritionally adequate, reduced energy intake as well as an increase in physical activity. The loss of body fat is proportional to the energy deficit-no specific distribution of dietary protein, carbohydrate, and fat has been shown to promote more rapid weight loss than other distributions. When energy expenditure exceeds energy intake, weight loss will occur regardless of the macro-nutrient composition of the diet (ACSM; Tufts Univ. Diet & Nutrition Letter).

Carbohydrates and insulin don't cause obesity and insulin is not a "monster" hormone. What matters for weight loss is not carbohydrate or insulin, but overall calories. Body weight depends on calorie balance- how many calories are consumed compared to how many are expended (FDA,2009; ACSM, 2008). Eating a high percentage calories from carbohydrate does not promote fat storage- a person must eat too many calories relative to energy needs (Tufts Univ. Diet and Nutrition Letter). For some people, a very high carbohydrate diet can raise insulin levels, and high insulin levels make people fat (Liebman. Majority of the time people have made their own bed of insulin problems by too much yo-yo dieting, and doing unhealthful quick fix type weight loss that has messed up their metabolism. The proper amount of exercise and right way of eating will get your metabolism working for you at all times.

There's nothing magical about these high protein, low carbohydrate regimens they're just low-calorie diets. People lose weight on these diets because of their caloric restriction - not because of what is supposedly happening to their insulin levels. For example, although Enter the Zone says "don't focus on calories, the zone diet provides only 800-1200 Kcal a day for the average person (Tufts Univ. Diet& Nutrition Letter).

Although, the books claim to make people thinner, they actually make long-term compliance difficult and take the fun out of eating. Eating should be playful, colorful, and pleasurable. Keep in mind most professional health groups recommend 55 to 60 percent of calories as carbohydrate, 10 to 15 percent as protein, and 30 percent or less as fat, but unfortunately we have become such an inactive culture which has led us into a complete imbalance. The health of the body as well as the mind, is literally built upon the principle of harmony! This is another topic for another day, but it does need to be addressed to make you understand why exercise and proper eating go hand in hand. Not one or the other but together in harmony with one another.

Weight loss eating plans should meet the criteria for a "healthy diet," as defined by the 2009 Dietary Guidelines for Americans...(USDA And DHHS) and the American Heart Association Dietary Guidelines (Krause,et al.)... The low carbohydrate diets fail because they are too high in total fat and saturated fat (except for the Sugar Busters and Zone diets) and don't supply the adequate dietary carbohydrate, vitamins, minerals, and fiber for all your health benefits. Such diets are also contrary to the scientific evidence that consuming a diet rich in plant foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and beans helps to prevent many chronic diseases, including CHD and cancer.

In conclusion, make sure that your Nutrition recommendations come from and are supported by scientific research that is double-blind, placebo-controlled, and published in peer-reviewed journals. These diet books, however, abound with unproven claims based on case histories, testimonials, and unpublished studies. I hope this helps clarify some of your questions and concerns ny health and fitness friends. Have a Healthy and Happy day!!

References:Nutrition Dimension
American College of Sports Medicine
Position of the American Dietetic Association:Food and Nutrition misinformation.
Barrett S. Weight control, Jarvis, Herbert
Berg FM.
Bravata DM, Sanders L., Huang J
Dulloo AG, Duret C, Rohrer D.
Am J Clinical Nutrition

By, Natalie Pyles

NSA Speaker, Author, Medical Exercise and Post Rehab Conditioning Specialist, Licensed Nutritionist,Health, Fitness, and Holistic Nutrition and Nursing Educator

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Spot-Reduction Fable Beware! New Article from Fitness Elements Express!

Secret Truths of Nutrition Quackery 103

The Spot-Reduction Fable Beware!

I could just scream at this topic alone! I get asked about spot reduction all the time. Natalie I want to lose my belly fat in two week how can we do that? Natalie how can I get rid of my hanging gobbler fat under my arms? Natalie how can I lose my chin fat? Are you kidding me? I want you to listen carefully there is absolutely no way to spot reduce. Every one's body is different and unique your body will lose the way it wants to naturally. Some people may lose it in their thighs first, some may lose it in their face first and so on. Try and be happy with what you got and work hard on all body parts as a whole to accomplish your health, fitness, and nutritional goals. To think otherwise is foolish and will set you up for failure and disappointment.

No, exercise, dietary, or other non-surgical treatment can produce spot-reduction. While the amount of body fat is determined to a large extent by eating and exercise habits, the distribution of body fat is determined by heredity and sex. Reduction of particular part can only be accomplished as part of an overall weight-reduction program (Barrett and Herbert).

Exercise, even when localized, draws from all bodily fat stores, not from just the local fat deposits. Tennis players have been found to have the same triceps skin fold measurements on both arms, even though their dominant arm was exercised more (FDA Consumer).

Exercising a specific area does increase muscle tone and may make the person look thinner. For example, substantial reductions in abdominal girth can result from localized exercise such as sit-ups. This is not due to fat loss. Rather, the abdominal muscles are strengthened and are better able to hold the abdomen.

Exercise does appear to preferentially reduce fat stored in the upper body and abdominal regions. (android obesity) compared to fat stored in the gluteal and femoral regions (gynoid obesity). Since android obesity places an individual at greater risk for chronic diseases (coronary heart disease, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and Type 2 diabetes), exercise confers significant health benefits, Although gynoid obesity is more frustratingly resistant to the effects of exercise than android obesity, it also does not confer as great health risk (NHLBI).

Are next topic on spot reduction will be continued on gimmicks such as body wraps, vibrating and elastic belts, and electric muscle stimulators. So stay tuned for these short term temporary effects. I hope you understand why spot reduction just isn't realistic and not a solution to your underlying problem in the long term.

Have a happy and healthy day!

References: Nutrition Dimension, Dr. Barrett MD,Herbert, Ellen Coleman RD, (FDA Consumer),and (NHLBI)


Natalie Pyles

NSA Speaker, Author, Medical Exercise and Post Rehab Conditioning Specialist, Licensed Nutritionist,Health, Fitness, and Holistic Nutrition and Nursing Educator

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Secret Truths of Nutrition Quackery 102 from Fitness Elements Express!

How to Avoid Being a Quacked

Remember the renowned anti-quackery advocate Stephan Barrett MD? Well here are 10 strategies that he recommends to consumers that you can use to avoid being quacked. Always remember that what sells is not the quality of the quacks product but the quacks ability to influence you. Promoters of quackery know how to appeal to every aspect of human vulnerability, so be aware! Here are some tips and rules to apply:
  • Remember that quackery seldom looks outlandish.
  • Ignore any practitioner who says that most diseases are caused by faulty nutrition or can be remedied by taking supplements.
  • Be wary of anecdotes and testimonials.
  • Be wary of pseudo medical jargon.
  • Don't fall for paranoid accusations.
  • Forget about "secret cures."
  • Be wary of herbal remedies.
  • Be skeptical of any product claimed to be effective against a wide range of unrelated diseases-particularly diseases that are serious.
  • Ignore appeals to your vanity.
  • Don't let desperation cloud your judgment.
Remember the saying if it "Quacks like a duck it probably is a duck!" Dr. Barrett directs this last plea to consumers who feel that their doctor isn't doing enough to help, or have been told that their condition is incurable and don't wish to accept this fate without a struggle. He recommends that they not stray from scientific health care in a desperate attempt to find a solution. Instead, Dr. Barrett encourages consumers to discuss their feelings with the doctor and consider a consultation with a recognized Nutrition or Dietetic Expert.

I agree with Dr. Barrett in my years of counseling many clients to a better way of a more healthful lifestyle and eating pattern people have definitely felt like they weren't getting enough help and guidance from their Doctor, adviser, or weight loss program. Food is very stressful to most people and we have to make choices and eat daily. It's not like we can cut it out cold turkey like alcohol, so it makes it very emotionally draining and confusing for most people. I can see why so many people fail and give up so easily. Just remember when you start to search out your next attempt to look for a weight loss, diet, or Lifestyle change solution make sure you seek wise counsel that is what I call "quack proof". If you plunge into something out of desperation you could end up with more physical, emotional, and psychological problems then before. So proceed with caution my health and fitness friends.

Have a healthy and happy day!!

References: Nutrition Dimension, Dr. Barrett MD, Ellen Coleman RD

By, Natalie Pyles

NSA Speaker, Author, Medical Exercise and Post Rehab Conditioning Specialist, Licensed Nutritionist, Health, Fitness, and Holistic Nutrition and Nursing Educator

Monday, July 19, 2010

Secret Truths of Nutrition Quackery 101

Simple Guidelines to provide direction and Best practices when it comes to Nutrition claims and diet Myths

These guidelines are meant to provide direction and recommendations for best practice. They are not enforceable except in regards to the ADA Code of Ethics. These guidelines may also be found on ADA's website

You have the right to make your own internal judgment when it comes to your Health and proper Nutrition so make sure you choose wisely on sound Nutritional advice to a trusted Nutrition Expert and Health Care professional after all it is your only body!

Quacks claim that diet is an important determinant of behavior.

Some food quacks claim that bad reactions to additives and/ordinary foods cause hyperactivity in children (the Feingold diet) and even criminal behavior in adults. These allegations are based on delusions, ancedotal evidence, and poorly designed research (Barrett and Herbert. If you would like to learn more on the potential harm of the Feingold diet I'd be glad to share more in depth with you just email your request or visit my blog to this article link.

Quacks guarantee quick, miraculous results.

The false promise of a cure is the most immoral practice of quacks (Barrett and Herbert). They don't care how many people they harm emotionally or financially by failing to deliver their promised cure. Nor do quacks care that they lure some people away from effective medical care into disability or death. This is absolutely frightening and I personally have seen enough for a lifetime over the last 19 years in the Medical, Health, and Fitness industry. I hate to tell you this but if it sounds to good to be true then run.

They determine your nutritional status with inappropriate laboratory tests and/ or a questionnaire.

Quacks often use bogus tests and questionnaires to "determine" nutritional status and recommend dietary supplements. I'm not saying dietary supplements are all bad in fact I'm a firm believer in certain ones when used in conjunction to a proper prescribed customized Exercise and Nutritional program. But just a quickee pill and no nutritional License I don't think so! It is just to risky and again if it quacks like a duck it probably is.

Quacks believe in "effortless" weight loss. They say it is easy to lose weight.

Quacks would like you to believe that special pills or food combonations can cause "effortless" weight loss. Weight loss is so lucrative that all my 19 hard working years have been devoted to getting the message out there loud and clear. Listen I had to lose 65 pounds when I was eighteen and it was hard work but habits are hard to break and I was a massive emotional and became bored and inactive. Food was my drug of choice but if we over do anything in life it is harmful to are health mentally, physically, and spiritually. You have to take steps daily to modify behavior for long lasting change so get the right information and understand Quickee weight loss is a flat out lie and extremely unrealistic so choose wisely my friend.

They use disclaimers hidden in fake medical jargon.

Instead of a promising a cure, some quacks use terms that create the illusion of a promise. For example, the quack will promise to "detoxify," "purify," or "revitalize" your body, "balance" its chemistry, bring it into harmony with with nature," " stimulate or strengthen" your immune system, "support or rejuvenate" various organs in your body, or "stimulate the body's ability to heal itself" (Barrett and Herbert). Of course, quacks rarely make a valid measurement before and after any of these claims and processes, it's difficult to prove that the quack is wrong and that has always concerned me I see so many people yo-yo all their life with these false hopes. Sorry folks their is no diet fairy.

These disclaimers serve two purposes. First, since it's impossible to measure these alleged processes, it's difficult to prove that the quack is wrong. Also, the use of non-medical terminology helps quacks who aren't physicians avoid prosecution for practicing medicine without a license )(Barrett and Herbert). So to conclude this article choose wisely my friend and get the help you need from a trusted Licensed Nutritionist that tells you nothing but the truth and facts about your proper Health and Nutritional needs. If it has the words Quickee or Fast acting results Run!!

Have a healhty and happy day!

Refernces: Nutrition Dimension, Ellen Coleman, (Barrett and Herbert).

By, Natalie Pyles

NSA Speaker, Author, Medical Exercise and Post Rehab Conditioning Specialist, Licensed Nutritionist, Health, Fitness, and Holistic Nutrition and Nursing Educator

Friday, July 16, 2010

15 Secret Toxic Truths You need to Know About Fake Foods

Bulleted ListLearn to win with better Food choices by avoiding Fake Food traps for your Whole Health, Fitness, and Nutritional needs

Here are the Toxic Truths that you need to be aware of and remember this is you and your families health so pay attention and be aware.

  • Organic foods are really good for you. Foods sprayed with herbicides, pesticides, and other toxins are not. Choose wisely!
  • The insecticides or hormones eaten by or injected into cows can be passed into their milk, which becomes your milk. Scary!
  • Fat is when toxins are stored in mammals. Therefore, when you eat animal fat, you may be eating their toxins, too.
  • Anti-fuels are loser fuels.
  • Powered sugar drinks, chips, and boxed pastries that sit on supermarket shelves for weeks on end are mostly lab made anti-fuels. Unreal.
  • Artificial, lab-made chips, cheese, and ice cream are fake foods. Get Real!
  • Fake foods are sickening.
  • Mant fast food shakes are fake shakes loaded with artificial who knows what! Try making your own healthier shake with yogurt, fruit, and nuts. Like a Vanilla Almond shake yummy!
  • Fake foods can hang around your gut for a long time! We all know that to be true and we love our Abs!
  • How long do you think a fast food burger that your body can't digest sits in your intestines? Longer than a day? No, usually much longer. Ask me I'll give you a really good lean turkey burger recipe no problem.
  • Your body can handle the toxins of one bag of French fries. The problems start when you pile on the fries, sodas, fast food burgers, toaster pastries, colored sugared cereals, grilled cheese, chicken nuggets, and chocolate chip cookies day after day. Need I go on! To these poor choices the toxins and physical demands of your sports plus the stresses of your school. This is when your body heads into absolute overload. There is just so much of this magic body of yours can handle until it breaks down on you. "Overload, overdone!" Sometime and somewhere it just says "Enough."
  • Would you ever put soda into the gas tank of your car? Are you a Pinto or a Porsche? Come on its your choice! Do you think the engine will break? Well guess what soda doesn't belong in your body either.
  • It's simple eat more of your friends not enemies. Your friends are clean water, veggies, fruits, nuts, other legumes, grains, fish, and lean meats. The enemies are (simple carbohydrates), hydrogenenated and trans fatty acid processed fake foods.
  • Save junk food treats for 1 meal a week as your reward for fueling your body with incredible gasoline for better performance. In the meantime, enjoy fresh foods like a juicy red apple and teaspoon of Organic Peanut butter!
  • Crocodiles have lived for millions of years on freshly caught food! Hmmm makes you think doesn't it!
I hope you understand the message my friends its loud and clear take care of you we only have one life to live and our health is very important. Don't wait until its too late start living well. Have a happy and healthy day! By, Natalie Pyles Whole Health and Fitness Expert, Holistic Nutrition Specialist,Medical Exercise and Post Rehab Conditioning Specialist Author, & NSA Speaker

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Eat the Zucchini Wear that Bikini!

Fruits of Summer from Fitness Elements Express

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits of Summer


Purchasing and storage

  • Do not purchase apricots with any green color to the skin—ripe apricots are firm, plum, and bright orange-gold in color
  • Choose apricots that yield to gentle pressure, and with smooth and velvety skin
  • Ripen apricots that are not quite ripe in a paper bag at room temperature
  • Store ripe apricots in the refrigerator for 1-2 days

Nutrition information

  • 1 medium apricot contains 18 calories, 0 grams (g) protein, 0 g fat, 4 g carbohydrate, 1 g fiber, 91 milligrams (mg) potassium, 34 micrograms (mcg) vitamin A, and 3.5 mg vitamin C


  • Are best when eaten at room temperatures
  • Broil, grill, or poach
  • Use in place of nectarines or peaches in recipes
  • Serve with poultry
  • Other information
  • If you are allergic to aspirin, you should avoid eating apricots

Domestic season

  • Mid-May through mid-August


Purchasing and storage

  • Look for plump, firm cherries
  • Keep cherries cool; do not store at room temperature
  • Choose cherries that are 1 inch or more in diameter, hard, and appropriately colored
    • Bing cherries—almost black in color
    • Lambert cherries—bright crimson
    • Queen Anne cherries—mostly yellow
  • Select cherries that still have green stems attached
  • Store cherries in the refrigerator, wrapped, for up to 1 week
  • Do not wash cherries before storing
  • Inspect and remove cherries that are spoiled before storing, because the rot can spread to other fruit

Nutrition information

  • 1 cup (C) pitted sour cherries contains 78 calories, 2 g protein, 0 g fat, 19 g carbohydrate, 3 g fiber, 268 mg potassium, 99 mcg vitamin A, 16 mg vitamin C
  • 1 C pitted sweet cherries contains 91 calories, 2 g protein, 0 g fat, 23 g carbohydrate, 3 g fiber, 322 mg potassium, 4 mcg vitamin A, and 10 mg vitamin C


  • Use sweet cherries in baked goods
  • Use sour cherries in tarts, pies, and preserves
  • Make chilled cherry soup, which is quite refreshing in the summer heat

Domestic season

  • End of May through early-mid August, depending on variety


Purchasing and storage

  • Choose ripe mangoes, which should yield slightly to pressure—its red blush increases as it ripens
  • Avoid mangoes that have an overabundance of black freckles on the skin, although some are normal and acceptable
  • Ripen mangoes at room temperature; placing them in a paper or plastic bag will speed ripening Store ripe fruit in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for 2-3 days

Nutrition information

  • 1 mango contains 135 calories, 1 g protein, 1 g fat, 35 g carbohydrate, 4 g fiber, 323 mg potassium, 79 mcg vitamin A, and 57 mg vitamin C


  • Eat when slightly chilled for best flavor
  • Serve with yogurt, in smoothies, on rice pudding, or with angel food cake, but also excellent when eaten by itself
  • Serve mango puree with fish

Domestic season

  • Florida mangoes are available from May through August, with peak season in June and July


Purchasing and storage

  • Choose melons that are symmetrically shaped and free of cracks or soft spots
  • Look for a bit of stem at the end of watermelons, but no stem should remain when selecting other melons
  • Disregard the theory of thumping and shaking melons to determine ripeness
  • Choose cantaloupes with netting that covers the entire netting (no green under the netting)
  • Select honeydew melon that is a pale creamy yellow, with tiny freckles on the skin
  • Follow these tips when purchasing a watermelon:
    • Choose one that has a moderately shiny rind and a waxy bloom covering it
    • Select one with a bottom that is yellow, not green-white
    • Do not choose one that has a green stem still attached
    • Avoid buying cut watermelon that has white seeds, which is a sign of immaturity
  • Store uncut melon at room temperature for 2-4 days, so it can reach full ripeness, and then store in refrigerator within 2 days

Nutrition information

  • 1 C cantaloupe balls contains 60 calories, 1 g protein, 0 g fat, 14 g carbohydrate, 2 g fiber, 473 mg potassium, 299 mcg vitamin A, and 65 mg vitamin C
  • 1 C honeydew balls contains 64 calories, 1 g protein, 0 g fat, 16 g carbohydrate, 1 g fiber, 404 mg potassium, 5 mcg vitamin A, and 32 mg vitamin C
  • 1 C watermelon balls contains 46 calories, 1 g protein, 0 g fat, 12 g carbohydrate, 1 g fiber, 172 mg potassium, 43 mcg vitamin A, and 13 mg vitamin C


  • Eat raw, sliced, in pieces, or balls
  • Add salt to cut melon, if your diet permits
  • Add chopped mint to cut melon
  • Blend cantaloupe with wine or orange juice to make a melon soup
  • Pickle melon rinds

Other information

  • Cantaloupes are actually muskmelon—true cantaloupes are grown in Europe and are not generally exported here

Domestic season

  • Watermelon: March through August
  • Cantaloupe: peak season June through August
  • Honeydew: peak season June through October


Purchasing and storage

  • Select peaches that are slightly soft and free of bruises
  • Do not choose green peaches, which were picked when they were unripe and will not become sweet, even as their color improves
  • Know that the amount of pink or red-colored blush on the peach is not a characteristic of ripeness, but of variety
  • Yellow-fleshed varieties, such as Elberta, Red Haven, and Halford, contain more beta-carotene than the lighter colored varieties
  • Store between 65° F-70° F to ripen peaches within 2-4 days
  • Store ripened peaches in the refrigerator for 3-4 days

Nutrition information

  • 1 medium peach contains 38 calories, 1 g protein, 0 g fat, 9 g carbohydrate, 2 g fiber, 186 mg potassium, 16 mcg vitamin A, and vitamin C


  • Eat fresh and unadorned
  • Use in many meat and chicken dishes, broiled or poached and served warm
  • Make pies and cobblers
  • Combine peaches and peach yogurt to make a peach smoothie
  • Find a recipe and make peach preserves

Domestic season

  • April through mid-October, peaking in July and August


Purchasing and storage

  • Disregard the theories that thumping a pineapple or pulling the crown leafs are reliable ways to measure for ripeness
  • Look for firm fruit that seems heavy for its size and has fresh-looking green leaves
  • Choose a pineapple with a dry base
  • Leave pineapple at room temperature for 1-2 days for best results
  • Store ripened pineapple in the refrigerator for 3-5 days
  • Put cut-up pineapple in plastic storage containers and store in refrigerator for 6-7 days

Nutrition information

  • 1 C diced pineapple contains 4 calories, 1 g protein, 0 g fat, 20 g carbohydrate, 2 g fiber, 178 mg potassium, 5 mcg vitamin A, and 56 mg vitamin C


  • Serve as is or broiled
  • Use in salads
  • Bake with sweet potatoes
  • Serve on top of pizza
  • Add to stir-fry
  • Place on skewers or grill slices
  • Never use fresh pineapple in gelatin salads, because it contains an enzyme that prevents gelatin from setting
  • Wait to mix pineapple with cottage cheese or yogurt until just before serving
  • Use pineapple as a meat tenderizer or for marinades

Domestic season

  • Peak season March through June


Purchasing and storage

  • Choose berries with a deep, uniform, red color and intact green caps
  • Do not sweeten berries after picking
  • Purchase strawberries that are dry and firm
  • Remove any bruised or rotten berries from the container before storing
  • Keep strawberries refrigerated
  • Never rinse or remove the green cap from strawberries before storing
  • Store strawberries, if possible, on a large sheet, no more than 2 deep and cover the tray
  • Use within 2-3 days of purchase

Nutrition information

  • 1 cup strawberries contains 53 calories, 1 g protein, 1 g fat, 13 g carbohydrate, 3 g fiber, 254 mg potassium, 2 mcg vitamin A, and 98 mg vitamin C


  • Use in salad
  • Serve with cereal
  • Mix with yogurt
  • Add chopped berries to pancakes, waffles, or muffin batter for extra flavor
  • Other information
  • Ounce for ounce, strawberries contain more vitamin C than oranges

Domestic season

  • Peak season April through July


Apollo A, Benzaia D, Callahan J, et al. Foods That Harm, Foods That Heal.Pleasantville, NY: Reader’s Digest; 1997.

Margen S, University of California at Berkeley Wellness Letter. The
Wellness Encyclopedia of Food and Nutrition. New York, NY: Rebus Publishing: 1992.

US Dept of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. What’s in the food you eat search tool. Available at: Accessed April 29, 2008.

Have a Happy and Healthy Day!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

"7 Key Questions to Ask Before You Hire A Personal Fitness Trainer Whole Health and Nutrition Specialist"

Here are the things to be Aware of and Why you need to ask the right questions to Avoid making these Mistakes right from Your Health and Fitness Fresh start

Will You be getting all of these needed things to Guarantee Your Whole Health,Fitness,and Nutritional Success...

1. Motivation Personal Trainers wear many hats, serving not only as coach, but also as an educator, confidant role model and a major source of motivation and encouragement. 2. Consistency Do you find it difficult to stick to your program? Scheduling regular appointments with a personal trainer helps eliminate any excuse you may come up with for not exercising. 3. Safety Are you unsure about how to use the chest press machine at the gym, or how to perform walking lunges without hurting your knees? A personal trainer will show you how to exercise safely (including which exercises to avoid), and instruct you on the proper and safe use of exercise equipment. 4. Individualized Instruction An exercise program that works for one person may not work for another. A personal trainer will develop the most effective program for you based on your fitness evaluation results and personal goals. 5. Effective Workouts Today's hectic lifestyles mean you don't have to waste on ineffective exercise routines. Personal trainers help maximize your time by providing workouts designed to meet your goals quickly and efficiently. 6. Supervision Personal attention during exercise is the primary function of personal trainers. Need someone to spot you while you do pull-ups? Looking for feedback on your running form? That is what your personal trainer is for: to observe, assist and if necessary, correct as needed. 7. Sports-Specific Training Many amateur and professional athletes work with a personal trainer during off-season to prepare themselves for in-season competition. Whether you want to shave some strokes off your golf score or beat your brother-in-law at tennis, a personal trainer can tailor your program to your sport of choice. 8.Injury Rehabilitation. Injuries and accidents can prevent you from participating in your favorite activities. An experienced personal trainer, however, can make the road to recovery a smooth one by recommending exercises that emphasize overall muscular balance to prevent future injuries. 9. Special-Needs Training Research confirms that individuals with health challenges such as diabetes, asthma, osteoporosis, or heart disease benefit greatly from regular physical activity. These conditions, however, can make exercising safely a challenge. Many personal trainers are experienced in designing programs that address the special needs of these and other conditions. 10. Ego Boost It's a fact- feeling good makes you look good, and vice versa. Not only can personal trainers help you achieve your health and fitness goals, they provide you with positive feedback on your performance and bolster your confidence to take on new challenges. And Best of all Accountability and a voice to listen to You and Your Specific needs! Have a Healthy and Happy Day! By, Natalie Pyles Owner & CEO of Fitness Elements Express LLC. Whole Health, Fitness, and Nutritional Expert,Wellness Coach, Holistic Nutrition and Nursing Educator, Medical Exercise and Post Rehabilitation Specialist, Author, and NSA Speaker P.S. Call today 480-212-1947, or Direct Mobile 480-544-5502 or Fax request to 623-399-4199 or email is great too For Your FREE Whole Health, Fitness, and Nutritional Personalized Training and Diagnostic Session and receive " 7 Ultra Fat loss Secrets to Sky Rocket Your Metabolism Now " FREE Report Today! P.S.S. With Fitness Elements We Guarantee 2-3 pounds per week and 1% body fat -loss per week Proven Safely Guaranteed!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

"Bride-to-Be" Part 7 Slow and Steady for the Best-Bridal Betty!

Fanatical Fat-Burner and Stress Buster for the "Bride-to-Be" Part 7 Slow and Steady for the Best-Bridal Betty!

How to gauge your exercise intensity and use the intensity Rating scale with the F.E.E. Combined-Sensation-Effort Fat-Oxidizer-Interval(Circuit Training) Slow-Steady-burning system

If there is one thing I know about a Bride-to-Be she is in a hurry with lots to do and little time to waste so every second counts so I will get straight to the point. This Combined-Sensation-Effort system will get you in and out of the gym, park, or at-home gym in 60-80 minutes or less, and will educate you in both of the areas of intensity rating and how to use the intensity rating scale.The idea is to get you how to gauge your exercise intensity.

> How to gauge your exercise intensity

Go the distance doing the activity you like-biking,running,walking-at a light to moderate pace.
Duration: 60-80 minutes
Intensity: Light to moderate (about 3 intensity rating)
Why it works: Researchers at the laboratory of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology at Nakamura Gakuen University (Fukuoka, Japan) examined the EPOC effects after moderate exercise. Subjects performed 30 or 60 minutes on separate days of 60% VO2 max (maximal oxygen consumption), which equates to about 70%-75% MHR. Results indicated that longer -duration exercise results in a greater and longer EPOC. More Specifically, EPOC lasted for 116 minutes after the 60-minute bout compared to 46 minutes for the 30-minute workout.
In a separate study, University of Victoria (Canada) researchers found similar results and concluded that increasing work time elevates energy cost during and after exercise.

> How to use the intensity Rating Scale

Perception of exertion should reflect how heavy and strenuous the exercise feels, combining all sensations of physical stress, effort and fatigue. Use the scale below as your guide.
Choose the number that best describes your level of exertion, as it will give you a good idea of the intensity level of your activity, and you can use this data to speed up or slow down your movements to reach your desired range. Most important, concentrate on how you feel instead of what the actual workout load is. If you get hung up on numbers, time, weight or your treadmill neighbor, you won't be able to get an honest assessment.

I have provided a sample Intensity rating Description Guide

Intensity Rating/Description

0/Complete Rest
1/Very Weak
4/Somewhat hard
7-9/Very Hard
10/Extremely hard (almost maximal)

Here is your 59-79 Minute or less Workout number 6 of the F.E.E. calorie-ticker-kicker system (Circuit Training) and Fat-Oxidizer-burning method

To keep this simple we will call this the Fat- Breakdown-Oxidizer training which is what all Brides-to-Be want so do the following and to attain the lastinf effects of a lean, tight -toned-total body, you must push yourself to make your metabolism, and cardiovascular fitness stronger. Including this fitness landscape, increasing your fat loss abilities and a structured nutrition plan will make you the star of your Special Day!

Throughout this workout, remember to keep up your crunching, and cardio bunching, and keep up the pace so that your PE stays between 6 and 8; rest a few seconds between exercises and combinations if necessary by marching in place, but don't stop moving.

Quick Tip

Challenge yourself but also enjoy the slow-steady-intensity and get going Bride-to-Be!

Think: biking 20 minutes, running 20 minutes, walking 20 minutes, hiking 20 minutes at a slow and steady pace with the same result. Input and output do matter beautiful Bride-to Be so lets get you ready!

Duration: 60-80 minutes
Intensity: High (7-9 intensity rating)
Why it works: When researchers at Flinders University of South Australia (Adelaide) compared continuous running for 30 minutes at 70% VO2 max (about 80% MHR) and interval running of 20 one-minute intervals at 105% VO2 max (100%-plus MHR) with two-minute rest periods, the latter was the excess post exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). EPOC represents the energy required to recover from exercise. The slow and steady interval training had double the EPOC levels as its continuous-exercise counterpart. In another study, Norwegian scientists found that slow and steady doesn't mean not intense training of three two-minute bouts of exercise followed by three-minute rest periods produced EPOC for up to four hours.

> I hope this helps you get going and your big day a great success! Enjoy number Seven of Your Slow-Steady-Oxidizer Interval training Bride-to-Be this Slow-burn-turner will win big points for Your special day along with your metabolism and cardiovascular tools for Your future health, fitness, and nutrition!

Have a healthy and happy day!

By, Natalie Pyles

Author, NSA speaker, Health, Fitness, and Nutrition Expert, Wellness and Lifestyle Coach, and creator of the Workout-Bridal-Walk System for Brides-to-Be, and the F.E.E. Fat-Oxidizer-Breakdown,Interval training (Circuit Training) calorie-burn-turner system

P.S. Check out Natalie's Bridal testimonials at...


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    North Scottsdale, North Phoenix, Arizona, United States
    Who I Am Hello My Friend In Health and Fitness, my name is Natalie Pyles. I am a Local Health, Fitness, Nutritional Expert, Medical Exercise and Post Rehab Specialist. I have over 19 years of experience in both the Health, Behavioral Health, Medical, and Fitness Industry. I would like to share my Personal story of overcoming my battles with weight loss that began as an early adolescent. I struggled from the ages of 13-18, I realized that I had a severe problem and decided then and there to take action. To hear the rest of my story and Fitness Elements client stories visit... Today! Call me today for your Free Fitness and Nutritional Consultation! Sincerely Your Friend in Fitness, Natalie Pyles Owner, Fitness Elements Express LLC. Office Phone: 480-212-1947 or Mobile 480-544-5502 or Toll free 1-888-539-1651 or Fax 623-399-4199 or

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    To start Your very own personalized Health & Fitness Coaching, Nutrition Consulting, Wellness Coaching, Custom Sports Specific Training and Sports Nutrition Counseling, In-Home Medical Exercise and Post Rehab Conditioning, In- Home Holistic Health, Wellness, Nursing, and Nutrition program Now please contact us @

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