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Friday, November 21, 2008

"How To Reduce Inflammatory Foods" - Part 2

"How To Reduce Inflammatory Foods" - Part 2

In Part 1 of this article series, I explained how eliminating foods that most commonly cause inflammation in the body will help your clients lose weight and tackle most health problems.

Now that you have asked your client to commit to the meal plan for 14 days, what do you do after this initial time period?

Most people who commit to the plan will see a five to 15 pound weight loss in the first 14 days. Approximately 80 percent of the time your client will ask to stay on the meal plan because they now feel so great and are seeing great results! They can stay on this plan until they have reached their goal weight and/or their health conditions have greatly improved.

For those clients who are ready to start bringing other foods back into their meal plans, the following foods can be added back in the order they are listed. Clients need to pay special attention to how they feel after bringing each food back into their meal plan. If previous symptoms come back or if weight loss plateaus, it may be too soon for the introduction of that particular food.

Brown Rice

Brown rice is one of the least inflammatory grains and is well tolerated by most people. It is best to stay away from “instant” rice as it has been heavily processed. There are now breads available that are made from brown rice and crackers and hot cereals as well. The following serving sizes can be added to your client’s Allowable Carbohydrates List:

* ½ cup cooked brown rice
* 1 slice brown rice bread
* 5 small brown rice crackers
* ½ cup cooked, hot rice cereal

For those clients who are still in a weight loss phase or are continuing to control symptoms of diabetes and/or heart disease, I keep their brown rice portion to one per day and choose fruits and vegetables as their carbohydrate choices for their other meals.

Sweet Potatoes and White Potatoes

Since potatoes are technically a vegetable, your clients may have already incorporated these into their meal plans. Depending on the client, I may or may not set a limit on their servings of potatoes. Because they are a bit higher on the glycemic index than other vegetables, I tend to limit them for diabetics and those who are seeking to lose a good amount of weight. The glycemic index gives us an idea of how a certain food will affect a person’s blood sugar: if the food is high on the glycemic index, it will cause a quick and large rise in blood sugar. For those seeking to continue to lose weight or control their blood sugar, potatoes should be kept to the following servings.

* 4 oz sweet potato or white potato (sweet potatoes being lower on the glycemic index)

Potatoes can be added to the Allowable Carbohydrates List and should be kept to one serving per day.

Raw Cheeses

At this point in your clients’ meal plans, they are still not consuming any dairy products. People who can tolerate dairy products do really well on raw cheese (some people because of ethnicity and/or digestive problems do not feel well consuming dairy).

Buying cheese that is “raw” means that it has not been pasteurized or changed in form in any way. This is the best way to consume dairy and the best way to consume cheese (for more information on raw cheese and milk, go to

Cheese is not a strong enough protein to be added to the Allowable Proteins list and eaten as a protein choice without being accompanied by another protein (a meat, fish or eggs). Cheese should be kept to the following servings:

* 1 ounce raw cheese (2 servings per day, maximum)

Remember, the body always knows best, and if a client begins suffering from digestive discomfort, fatigue or a plateau in weight loss, he or she may not do well on cheese and/or dairy products.

Raw Dairy

If your clients have continued to show great progress after the inclusion of raw cheese, they will most likely tolerate raw milk and raw milk products well. Because our society has been led to believe that raw dairy is dangerous, it is best to educate yourself and your client on the benefits of raw dairy and the dangers of pasteurized, homogenized dairy. The truth is the pasteurization process does not provide heat temperatures high enough to kill the dangerous pathogens in the milk, but the heat is high enough to kill off the necessary enzymes in the milk necessary for its digestion. So in essence, pasteurization will kill off the good and leave the bad, just the opposite of what we have been taught.

The topic and benefits of raw dairy have consumed numerous books and web sites, and I encourage you to provide this information to your clients.

Dairy can be added alongside another protein choice (as with cheese) in the following servings:

* ½ cup raw organic milk or cream
* ½ cup raw organic cottage cheese

Start your clients on no more than one serving of raw milk, cream or cottage cheese per day. If their health continues to improve, increase the number of servings.

Millet, Quinoa and Spelt

Similar to brown rice, millet, quinoa and spelt are grains that do not tend to cause inflammation in most people. These grains are gluten and wheat free and are well tolerated by most. There are now many breads, crackers and hot cereals that are made from the above mentioned grains and can be great additions to your clients Allowable Carbohydrates list. For those clients who are still in a weight loss phase or still in the process of control diabetes, hypertension and/or symptoms of heart disease, too many servings of grains can stop their progress. Assess your clients’ progress and determine if the addition of more servings of grains is appropriate for them and their current state of health. If they are doing very well, they may be able to tolerate more grains in their meal plans in the following servings:

* ½ cup cooked millet, quinoa, or spelt
* 1 slice spelt bread
* ½ cup cooked millet, quinoa or spelt hot cereal

To start, only allow two servings of grains per day (remember this already includes brown rice).

Ezekial bread and Ezekial based products

Ezekial bread belongs to the family of “sprouted grains” bread and is better tolerated by most people than regular “whole wheat” bread. In Paul Chek’s book How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy!, he explains that the process of sprouting grains changes a grain’s composition in numerous ways to make it more beneficial as a food. It increases the content of vitamins and breaks down certain mineral blockers that make the bread much more digestible. Sprouting also breaks down the complex sugars responsible for intestinal gas, and considering how many Americans are suffering from indigestion, irritable bowl syndrome and constipation, this is extremely important.

If your clients continue to feel well, they may be able to incorporate one to two slices of Ezekial bread into their daily meal plan.

The above mentioned serving sizes are not set in stone and, of course, will be individual from client to client. It is your goal and the goal of your clients to let their bodies dictate which foods make them feel well and which foods make them feel lethargic, bloated and do not allow for weight loss to continue. This will be a learning process for both you and your client for some time, but the results will be phenomenal. It is our goal to help our clients create a meal plan that is realistic for them to maintain for a lifetime, so that they may enjoy and maintain their weight loss and a new level of health for a lifetime!


1. Chek, Paul. How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy!, San Diego, CA: CHEK Institute, 2004
2. De Los Rios, Isabel. The Diet Solution: Start Eating and Start Living. Florham Park, NJ: New Body, 2008.
3. Fallon, Sally, with Mary G. Enig. Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats, 2nd Edition. Washington, DC: New Trends, 2001.
4. Mercola, Joseph, with Alison Rose Levy. The No-Grain Diet: Conquer Carbohydrate Addiction and Stay Slim for the Rest of Your Life. New York, NY: Dutton, 2003.
5. Schmid, Ron ND. The Untold Story of Milk. Washington, DC: New Trends, 2003.
6. Isabel De Los Rios

Forwarded By Natalie Pyles

Fitness & Nutritional Expert, Author, Speaker

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    North Scottsdale, North Phoenix, Arizona, United States
    Who I Am Hello My Friend In Health and Fitness, my name is Natalie Pyles. I am a Local Health, Fitness, Nutritional Expert, Medical Exercise and Post Rehab Specialist. I have over 19 years of experience in both the Health, Behavioral Health, Medical, and Fitness Industry. I would like to share my Personal story of overcoming my battles with weight loss that began as an early adolescent. I struggled from the ages of 13-18, I realized that I had a severe problem and decided then and there to take action. To hear the rest of my story and Fitness Elements client stories visit... Today! Call me today for your Free Fitness and Nutritional Consultation! Sincerely Your Friend in Fitness, Natalie Pyles Owner, Fitness Elements Express LLC. Office Phone: 480-212-1947 or Mobile 480-544-5502 or Toll free 1-888-539-1651 or Fax 623-399-4199 or

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