5 Tips to Use the Outdoors for a Greener Lifestyle
Are you ready to get outdoors? Good lets go have some fun shall we. While it sometimes seemsas though we've paved over most of the world, in fact nearly a third of the land in the United States- Almost 700 million acres- is owned by the public and managed by various agencies in part for outdoor recreation. We've got urban parks, dense forests, alpine meadows, desert canyons, and remote wilderness.
Let's not only save the earth. Let's get out there and enjoy it. There are so many ways you can make Health and Fitness a Green Family value here are some of the common ones. Hiking, running, brisk walking, swimming, and bike riding are all activities that require a minimal investment in gear, keep you fit, and get you outside appreciating and reconnecting with nature which will completely destress you. Doing things from your front door saves you fuel and greenhouse gas emissions. I believe in it so much that I started doing Mobile Personal Training, Lifestyle consulting, and Nutritional Counseling teaching clients to utilize their own environment for sustainable results that last a lifetime.
Another plus: With the average cost of a gym membership running about $50 dollars a month , moving your workout outdoors can save you about $600 a year. Don't get me wrong I grew up in gyms my whole life and they have value too but, I realize they are not for everyone especially when you do have a family to support and would rather be spending time with them. Afterall family is most important and should never be neglected so enjoy Fitness together.
Take the whole family. Childhood Expert Richard Louv wrote a thoughtful book called Last Child in the Woods (2006), in which he laments that today's kids are "alienated" from nature. He thinks depression, anxiety, and obesity can all be lessoned by reaquanting your kids with the grand outdoors. I am a living example of overcoming childhood obesity and depression and would never want anyone to suffer what I went through. There are so many ways for you and your family to live a healthy, happy, Greener lifestyle so I hope you enjoy and get outdoors!
By, Natalie Pyles
Health & Fitness Expert, Nutrition Specialist, Author, & NSA Speaker
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