
How to associate Acid with Yin and Alkali with Yang
Did you know raw foods can have an important role in healing? This article will discuss the balancing properties of various foods, and the difference between acidity and alkalinity and why you need to know these important facts. Isn't it absolutely wonderful to be able to heal your body while enjoying nature's bounty and all that it has to offer?
Acidity and Alkalinity
Acidity and alkalinity can be measured by the pH scale, a numerical range from 0 to 14:7 is neutral, lower numbers indicate increasing acidity, and higher numbers indicate increasing alkalinity. In layman's terms, pH is a measure of hydrogen-ion concentration or activity . Acidity is a state of excess hydrogen, and alkalinity is a state of insufficient hydrogen. " Excess" and "insufficient" are, of course relative terms; pure water has a pH of 7, whereas the human body is, overall slightly alkaline.
To help simplify this concept lets associate Acid with yin qualities and alkali with yang qualities. An acidic condition , thus, could also be described as a yin excess, and an alkaline condition could be described as a yang excess. Taking this concept to another level, those foods are acid- forming in the body stimulate yin, while those foods that are alkaline-forming stimulate yang.
Electrolytes can affect the body's pH balance. Electrolytes are minerals (including, calcium, lithium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium) that, when in solution, conduct electricity. Alkaline elements attract a negative charge, and acid elements attract a positive charge.
Pay attention my friends to your body lactic acid build up in your body leads to your system becoming more acidic, and cellular function is diminished. Most people will find that being slightly a little more alkaline is healthful and will help your well being benefit from being more alkaline through your diet; being overly alkaline, however, is unhealthy. Always try to be aware of the right amount and the right kinds of food that will help you and your health goals and needs. These are true facts that you need to know and make good decisions about. Good luck and have a healthy day!
By, Natalie Pyles
Health and Fitness Expert, Nutrition Specialist, Author, & NSA Speaker
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