How to get a Grip on your dieting efforts
OK, if that got your attention, it's time to get a grip on dieting. Fitness Elements can help. The nutrition gurus at Health.com and reviewed more than 50 popular diets, then compared them for safety, effectiveness, expense, and lifestyle factors (like the all-important "Can I drink coffee on this plan?" question). We can't promise you'll make your goal weight, but we'll give you the best guidance we can to help you find a plan you'll stick to. Good luck!
For those of you who know me and my philosophy on Nutrition you know that I believe in lifestyle changes that add up to huge sustainable Results. What people tend to do is start the next best thing that comes along. I have been in the health and fitness industry for over 17 years starting in Nursing working psych, med surge, home health, and rehab my personal favorite because people get Better by choice. What you need to know is diet and exercise are the cure to many health benefits. What you eat affects everything! I have known this for years it is no secret. Stop dieting and stick to something you enjoy and that will work for you long term. Here are the top 50 diets from the experts try narrowing it down to 3 and do some research and choose one

Choose your own Program...
Fitness Elements Lifestyle System 3-Hour 6-Day Body Makeover 8 Minutes AbsAtkins Blood Type Body-for-Life Cabbage Soup Curves Dr. Phil E-Diets Fat FlushFit for Life The Flavor Point Diet French Women Don't Get Fat Get With the Program! G.I. Grapefruit Hamptons Japanese Women Don't Get... Jenny Craig L.A. Weight Loss L.A. Shape Living Low-Carb The Mediterranean Diet NutriSystemOrnish The Perricone Promise Picture Perfect Pritikin Scarsdale The SkinnySlim-Fast The Solution South Beach The Step Diet Structure House Sugar BustersSuzanne Somers Weight Watchers The Zone
By, Natalie Pyles
Health and Fitness Expert, Nutrition Specialist, Author, & NSA Speaker
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