How to Resolve Unfinished Business by Mastering your Weight loss Fears and Doubts
First lets start with going over all the what I call Unfinished business in your life this is a term I will be referring to often in this article. By unfinished business I mean all the messes you havn't dealt with. You may be struggling with legal, financial, relationship, organizational, health, physical fitness balance, weight loss, or career messes just to name a few. When you allow these to build up in your life, they can overwhelm you. The reason many people won't deal with this unfinished business is fear. Fear breeds doubt and , and doubt leads to a loss of confidence. It's a vicious cycle. If you leave these constant building blocks in you life and unresolved, a downward spiral begins and is soon gaining momentum. Suddenly life is out of control. This excess baggage is dead weight around your neck. It can bring you to a standstill and this my friends is not fun at all I have been there and choose never to go back.
The result is a tremendous drain on your energy. Some people have accumulated so much unfinished business over the years, it feels like they're pulling an elephant along behind them. There are three ways to handle this so

1. You can play the denial and blame game.
Some people pretend it's not really happening. For example, a man worrying about his debt-load refuses to look at the real numbers in hope that they will somehow disappear. Rather than change bad habits, such as spending more than he makes, he finds it easier to live in fantasy world. Denial usually results in major consequences of the variety you won't like. Let us also examine this from a health point of view you continually eat fast food loaded in hidden fats and excess calories day in day out for days, weeks, months, years and then comes heart disease, obesity, diabetes, low back pain, knee problems, insomnia, and the list goes on my friends. This is real and you need to be truthful to yourself and the realities of what happens of years of abusing your health.
2. You

Life sort of stops and you tread water. You don't fall back, but you don't make any progress either. It's frustrating, and of course the unfinished business is still there waiting to be dealt with later. Being in limbo keeps you stuck. I see this all the time and I know living a life full of constant struggles and no action is not the way to overcome your fears and doubts.
3. You can confront the Issue Head On and Never Look back.

This seems like the obvious course of action, yet so many people choose the previous two options. Why? We usually don't like confrontation-it's uncomfortable and there's and there's a certain amount of risk involved. Sometimes it can be painful, and may not work out the way you wanted it to. Here's a phrase that will help you: Step into your fear.
I hope this article will help you in your life and take the steps necessary towards your health and fitness achievment. Your road to freedom can be yours with these helpful tips, learn to be happy, visualize your dreams, learn to forgive others and yourself, keep a healthy peace of mind and stay focused on the big picture, and lastly prosperity can be yours my friends. Have a healthy and happy day!
By, Natalie pyles
Health and Fitness Expert, Author, and NSA Speaker
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