The Health, Wellness, Fitness, and Nutritional Shortcuts and Trickery Trap
If you have become a victim of all the misleading marketing and persuasive hype when it comes to Your Health, Wellness, Fitness, and Nutritional Journey then this articles for You!
Let me start off by saying your body is made up of systems that can't be messed or tampered with.Yes you have to workout, do your sit ups, do your cardio, stretch your muscles, and eat right. What gives you the right to think sucking down voodoo juice and popping your magic movement pills will instantly make you lose weight! You haven't changed or modified your habits and behavior one ioda. That is just completely absurd and ridiculous. You need to get real and understand that getting Healthy and Fit for life actually takes consistent effort, thought, and time to reap long term Results! You also must remember what you did to get there and keep at it. Your reps, exercises, duration, and workouts might change and be modified but you still have to do something. Input and Output is the name of the game end of story you are not a computer or robot that you can instantly click a button and change so you better watch out to what you hear and listen to. Your gut instinct will normally let you know so be wise and Work at something! Conscious effort and proper mental programming are the way to conquer your goals. One rule that I personally live by is if you are actually invested in the effort you are more likely to succeed for long term Results! No one said hard work is fun but the Victory at the end of the tunnel is always the preferred light. Oh yeah and you actually will have high self-esteem too I can't forget about that.
Because of the rapid pace of technology today and how fast it is evolving, it is moving faster then we can and our natural capacity to process information is to be increasingly inadequate to handle the abundance to change, swivel, and get around the road blocks and the challenges of choices and modern everyday life. I am well aware of that and personally I find technology a great form of leverage for my personal satisfaction in business and life. However, there is two sides to that coin and what I see. I deal with clients and customers on an ongoing basis on a very personal level and I see peoples physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social well-being completely falling apart. We need to find balance and make to for our physical, emotional, social, and spiritual lives. When making decisions about your Health, Wellness, Fitness, and Nutritional Lifestyle changes make sure you engage in a fully considered analysis of the total situation.
There is nothing wrong of a totally shortcut and narrowed approach to your Health, Wellness, Fitness, and Nutritional Lifestyle. The problem occurs when you are misguided and improperly counseled. Make sure your source is trustworthy so you can avoid erroneous errors, actions, and wrongheaded decisions. This message my friend is worth so much and can save you thousands of dollars over your lifetime and put an end to all the years of yo-yoing and continual waste. If it seems the constant pace of change and modern day life is getting too frenzied for you please understand your Health is very important and the Shortcuts and Trickery trap could cost you your life.
By Your Friend in Health, Fitness, Wellness, and Nutrition,
Natalie Pyles
Author, NSA Speaker, Holistic Health, Wellness, Fitness, Nursing, and Nutritional Expert, Medical Exercise and Post Rehab Specialist
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