How to Overcome Your Disappointments, Fears and Doubts
Learning techniques that will help You to face Your Setbacks will release You of Your Fears and Doubts
Lets face it our minds are so darn powerful and are thoughts can easily sway us one way or the other. It is an absolute jungle out there of bombarding information that can easily shake us up for good or for bad. I am a firm believer that thoughts are things and we absolutely become what we think about. If we constantly doubt ourselves about trying to overcome a major addiction that has taken over our lives then it will. Doubt and fear is a traitor and the evil within us. Have you ever noticed when you do all the right things and make good choices great things start to show up in your life? Yes my friend I am here to sway you to think differently and to realize the power of your thoughts and what your putting into your mind. You need to know You are a three part being that is made of Mind, Body, and Spirit and all of these must remained nourished of good things and protected. Remember it is Your life and Yours alone so the who and the what You allow in is Your responsibility. Be careful what you listen to and especially be aware of your thinking about and focusing on at all times.
Technique # 1 is simply letting go of the past, you need to be sure you have dealt with this area before taking the next step to living up to your true potential in life. Let's get real; we all face disappointments from time to time. I know I have had my fair share and I'm sure you have had your fair share as well. I also know I will have more in the future and so will you, but I will always try to learn from my mistakes and have the wisdom not to keep "Going around that same mountain repeatedly", my great friend April Jones once told me quote. The fact remains it is how we overcome and go through it. Life is tough no one ever said it was going to be easy we have to fight the good fight of faith, hope, glory, and honor. Your thoughts are one part of Your life You do have control over are you aware of that? Applied knowledge is absolute power and so exhilarating. I realize change is scary, but sometimes very necessary. I can't tell you how many circumstances have come up in my life personally that were totally out of my own personal control and so defeating mentally, physically, and spiritually. I will not ever become a victim to circumstances and stay stuck forever because I know if one thing is for certain nothing lasts forever and change is certain to happen. So try to be ahead of it my friend and remember we reap what we sew in life don't ever forget. Hope for the best and plan for the worst and please be careful of your thoughts and the words you speak over your life and others. There is massive power in your thoughts and words.
Technique # 2 disappointment possesses the potential to derail you and wreck your faith. This is vital to life survival and coping mechanisms. You must recognize in advance that disappointments and setbacks will come, and that you learn how to stay on track and deal with them as they come and believe me when I say they will come as they always do. Often, defeating disappointments and letting go of the past are the flip sides of the same coin, especially when you are disappointed in yourself. When you do something wrong don't dwell and stew on it. Admit it, seek forgiveness, forgive yourself and move on. Be quick to let go of your mistakes, hurts, pains, and sins. I don't know about you but the more things you try and risks you take there will be lots of trial and error. Lets just hope the errors become fewer the more wiser we become. Focus on New beginnings and quite re-opening old wounds. No matter the disappointments, unfairness, and what we have gone through we must release them and let go of them. The quicker and faster the better is for certain. Remember that physiologically your body doesn't know the difference between whether it is happening now or already happened two years ago so to constantly relieve it day in and day out is extremely debilitating emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Protect those little ears and thoughts my friends.
I hope you have enjoyed this article and I would encourage you to rethink and refocus certain areas of your life. Sometimes by redirecting what you are focused on and setting New goals and New direction can actually end up being a lot of fun. If you like what I have had to say please let me know and I will release more articles on this subject and offer more techniques to you. Have Yourself a Mentally, Physically, and Spiritually healthy and happy day!
By, Natalie Pyles
Author, Speaker, Holistic Health, Fitness, Nursing, and Nutrition Expert, Medical Exercise and Post Rehab Specialist
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