I pledge to make healthy choices, to be a positive role model for my friends, and to support the mission of Red Ribbon Week, "No Use of Illegal Drugs, No Illegal Use of Legal Drugs."
Protective Factors: Caring relationships, high expectations, and meaningful participation at home, school, in the community, and with peers increase a young persons capacity to make healthy choices every day. This year's Red Ribbon Week theme "Dream, Believe, Achieve, Succeed" really is about nurturing the development of these competencies in every child. In fact, we would argue that promoting the development of protective factors should always be an important focus of your Red Ribbon Week campaign (and doing so can be a lot of fun too!)
We have to help keep the kids and teens focused on positive behaviors and healthy choices physically, mentally, and spiritually so their minds are filled with Hope, Dreams, Achievement, and a Successful Future! Fitness Elements is an absolute believer of this event and positive awareness for a brighter light ahead! Keep their minds and ears clean!
P.S. If You or Your child need a deprogramming of Garbage in and Garbage out Lifestyle strategies and solutions Fitness Elements has customized programs to fit Your unique situation Guaranteed! Call for a FREE Lifestyle Assessment today 480-212-1947 or email fitnesselementsexpress@yahoo.com
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