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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Are the grocery stores ripping you off?

Are the grocery stores ripping you off?

Think you know how to shrink your food bill? Think again.
Studies have shown that shopping leisurely in a grocery store leads to more spending.

Studies have shown that shopping leisurely in a grocery store leads to more spending. What does this mean have a plan! Awareness is KEY!

Many so-called "ways to save" are nothing more than grocery marketing strategies.

1. Stocking up on a "great deal"

While a purchase may be a "great deal" in terms of dollar amount, it's only a deal if the food actually gets eaten. This is especially true for perishables like milk, eggs, and produce. Don't overbuy, even when the price is right.

2. Reaching for the "value" size

The concept of getting a better price when you buy the larger package is generally accepted, but many companies have now wised up to our assumptions.

To be sure you're getting the best value for your money, check the unit price: it's the number on the shelf tag that says how much the item costs per ounce or pound. That way, it's a no-brainer to calculate whether the larger or smaller can of tomato sauce is the better buy.

There are some exceptions to the unit pricing guideline: poultry and meats. For instance, don't assume that buying a whole chicken is cheaper than buying parts separately. In this case you'll want to calculate the cost per serving rather than per unit. A whole chicken may be cheaper per pound, but that includes a lot of inedible material, like bone and skin.
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* Eats on the cheap
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3. Scooping up 10 for $10

"Wow," we think, "4 soda packs for $10? That's a steal!" It is, but does any one household really need 48 cans of soda or any soda for that matter at all? Not unless you're helping host a block party that week. But, unless is the ad specifies a minimum purchase, you can usually buy as little as you need while still taking advantage of the discount. Try 10 for 10 on cascade drinks only 2 calories and o sugars, o sodium , & o carbs. You can't beat that!

4. Skipping the store brand

Store brands often get a bad rap, but really, not all store brands stink. During a blind taste test, supermarket expert Phil Lempert showed that for things like cereal, potato chips, and ginger ale, a large percentage of shoppers either couldn't tell the difference between generic and name brand, or even preferred the generic type. So do your own taste-tests at home, and figure out which name brands you can swap out. Try Sun chips, Kettle chips, and diet ginger ale hopefully this helps.

5. Shopping leisurely

Supermarket folks have long known that the more time you spend in a store, the more you'll spend. In fact, studies show that for each additional minute you spend in a grocery store past half an hour, you will likely spend between 50 cents and $1. Write a list out and use my stick-to-it-ivness approach!

6. Taking advantage of one-stop shopping

As long as you're already at the store, might as well pick up laundry detergent and lightbulbs, right? Wrong. Supermarkets often price non-food household items 20 - 40 percent higher than discount stores, knowing that shoppers will buy them anyway out of convenience. So remember, grocery stores are for groceries only. Shop for toilet paper elsewhere. If you cut corners in these areas You can afford to spend for a Fitness & Nutrition Expert that will save you hundreds and thousands of dollars in medical & healthcare bills down the road!

7. Clipping coupons religiously

We're not saying coupons are bad. Coupons can save you money, but the operative word is can. They don't save money if you use them to pick up expensive items that you wouldn't buy normally. They don't save money if you're only getting a few cents off a $5 purchase. Studies show that if a shopper has a coupon in hand, they usually won't check to see if what they're buying is actually a bargain.

So use them, but use them wisely. Head to Web sites like and to learn how to organize and strategize your coupon use. Then find out if the store doubles manufacturer's coupons, accepts competitor's store coupons, or allows you to combine coupons for the same item.

8. Zoning in on "sale" signs

Just because it looks like a sale doesn't always mean it's on sale. For example, stores will create visual cues by using bargain bins, hanging promotional signs, or filling up endcaps (the displays at the end corners of each aisle) -- all using items that are actually full-price.

Or, they'll compare a sale price to a list price, except the list price has been hiked up to offer a deeper discount. So track prices of items you buy on a regular basis so you can evaluate a good deal when you see one, and read the small print, watching out for signage that uses faux-sale language like "everyday low price."

9. Making a list

Proponents of list-making says that it helps them remember what they need and avoid impulse purchases, but Robyn Moreno, the consumer editor at Women's Day, says that shoppers with lists spend over 41 percent more than those who shop list-free.

The idea is not to chuck the list completely, but to chuck the idea of the shopping list as wish list. Plan lists around menus, keeping the store circular handy so that you can take advantage of specials.

10. Watch the scanner for errors

Keep an eagle eye on the scanner and make sure you're getting charged the right prices. When items go on sale at the supermarket, the price change isn't always immediately updated on the store's computer listings, leading to overcharges at the cashier's.

Keep focused on value and long term investment when spending your hard earned money and that goes for checking out service & product providers like myself. Have a healthy, happy, and wise day!

P.S. If Your looking for a Champaigne product and service to enhance Your lifestyle habits, but are working with a Budweiser budget then call Fitness Elements today!

P.S.S. Fitness Elements Gurantees 2-3 pounds per week and 1 % Body-fat loss per week Guaranteed!

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Your Friend in Health, Happiness, and Wealth,

Natalie Pyles

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    North Scottsdale, North Phoenix, Arizona, United States
    Who I Am Hello My Friend In Health and Fitness, my name is Natalie Pyles. I am a Local Health, Fitness, Nutritional Expert, Medical Exercise and Post Rehab Specialist. I have over 19 years of experience in both the Health, Behavioral Health, Medical, and Fitness Industry. I would like to share my Personal story of overcoming my battles with weight loss that began as an early adolescent. I struggled from the ages of 13-18, I realized that I had a severe problem and decided then and there to take action. To hear the rest of my story and Fitness Elements client stories visit... Today! Call me today for your Free Fitness and Nutritional Consultation! Sincerely Your Friend in Fitness, Natalie Pyles Owner, Fitness Elements Express LLC. Office Phone: 480-212-1947 or Mobile 480-544-5502 or Toll free 1-888-539-1651 or Fax 623-399-4199 or

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