Fanatical Fat-Burner and Stress Buster for the "Bride-to-Be" Part 5 Amazing Abs in 12 Weeks, Flat!
How to tackle both fat loss and flat abs with the F.E.E. Amazing-Ab-Attack Core-Crushing (Circuit Training) calorie-buster-method
If there is one thing I know about a Bride-to-Be she is in a hurry with lots to do and little time to waste so every second counts so I will get straight to the point. This Amazing-Abs-Attack system will get you in and out of the gym, park, or at-home gym in 59 minutes or less, and will attack both cardio and core in one crunch and cardio bunch.The idea is to elevate your heart rate with crunching, , and cardio bunching intervals and keep it relatively high in between a cardio-circuit-crunching style format and cardio-bunching-crunching machine to burn the most calories in the shortest amount period of time. Always keep in mind that the bottom line is input and output and we want your metabolism working for you at all times that is our underlying goal period! Core-Crunching-Cardio exercises that don't require machines are your best bet to win this battle, as you will never have to waste time moving around the gym waiting for your turn, if that is where you prefer to workout and risking your heart rate to drop. I have provided a sample workout program that demonstrates a total core-cardio-fat loss style workout, but it can be tailored to fit your needs at any time. Because you're performing each crunch, and cardio bunches of exercise for a full 1-2 minutes - don't be shocked it's harder than you may think! - However it will get the job done drop the poundage significantly, and shed the fat so you can complete the exercise core-crunching-and bunching circuit without stopping. Try to stay focused on the outcome and the get the visual of a beautiful body in that wedding dress. This is the fifth program for you. You can find the first workout and article in part 1, 2, 3, and 4 so have fun beautiful toned-bride. Here is your 59- Minute or less Workout number 5 of the F.E.E. Cardio-Bunching-Crunching Machine (Circuit Training) calorie-cardio-core burning method To keep this simple we will call this Amazing-Abs-Attack which is what all Brides-to-Be want so do the following and to attain the holy grail of a lean, tight midsection, you must progressively make your abs stronger, burning the flab hiding them and dial in your diet. Fat loss and a structured nutrition plan will make you the star of your Special Day! Throughout this workout, remember to keep up your crunching, and cardio bunching, and keep up the pace so that your PE stays between 6 and 8; rest a few seconds between exercises and combinations if necessary by marching in place, but don't stop moving. Quick Tip Challenge yourself to get that fat-burning-furnace going Bride-to-Be! Equipment: Elliptical with Arms, Treadmill, Stationary bike Three pieces of gym cardio equipment, one multifaceted, calorie-core-crunching routine. Move immediately from one machine to the next, resting only as long as it takes you to walk from the elliptical w/arms to the treadmill and the treadmill to the bike. Adjust the resistance on the elliptical trainer with arms and bike to elicit the corresponding PE. Elliptical With Arms Time (min)/PE 2/5 1/8 2/5 1/8 Treadmill Incline Fast Walk Time(min)/ Speed/ Incline (%) 2/4.5/0 1/4.5/3 1/4.5/6 1/4.5/9 1/4.5/0 Indoor Cycle Exercise/Time(min.)/PE Seated Climb 1/6 Seated Flat-Road Cycling 1/4 Out-of-Saddle Climb 1/6 Seated Flat-Road Cycling 1/4 Sprint 30 sec./8 Seated Flat- Road Cycling (recovery) 1/4 Sprint 30 sec./8 Seated Flat-Road Cycling (cool-down) 2/4 > For your warm up and cool down Brides-to-Be , do whatever type of cardio you like; for example, walk flat or on a incline on the treadmill, ride a stationary bike and pedal faster with a 2-3 Resistance or jump on the elliptical. I hope this helps you get going and your big day a great success! Enjoy number three of Your total cardio-core-crunchers Bride-to-Be the Amazing-Abs-Attack will win big points for Your special day along with calorie-core-crunch tools for Your future health, fitness, and nutrition!
Create the Foundation and add this abs routine 3 times a week
Exercise/Sets/Reps Exercise
- Ball /2-3 /10-15
- V-Twist/ 2-3/ 10-15 (to each side)
- Reverse Crunch/2-3/10-15
- Straight -Leg Raise/2-3/10-15
- Plank/3/25-30 sec.
Have a healthy and happy day!
By, Natalie Pyles
Author, NSA speaker, Health, Fitness, and Nutrition Expert, Wellness and Lifestyle Coach, and creator of the Workout-Bridal-Walk System for Brides-to-Be, and the F.E.E. Amazing-Abs-Attack (Circuit Training) calorie-twisting-burning system
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