New Science-based research reveals a direct correlation between what you eat and how you feel
How your Food and Mood go hand in hand and TV Food ads are Promoting bad diets so Be Aware!
Have you ever felt emotional and couldn't figure out what was making you feel this way? Well my friends you are not alone the secret to happiness could be in your very next meal. What you eat may play a role in how content you feel according to recent findings from studies have found the connection to food and how it relates to your moods.This is just one more reason for me to express the importance of healthful eating so you can be in more control of your emotional state, feel great and live well.
While the link on food and moods is always ongoing research and scientists have shown how diet effects our emotions. For example Protein-rich foods give us mental alertness and carbohydrate-rich foods help put us in a more relaxed state.
Other types of diets have also been investigated that affect moods. For example the Mediterranean diet results in a much lower risk of depression , according to large population -based study (Sa'nchez Villegas et al. 2009). The results showed that even after the modification to healthier lifestyle changes and better behavior patterns the Mediterranean diet clearly had a 58% less likely hood of developing any kind of mental unhappiness or depression.
The reason this diet pattern proves to be so highly effective is the increase of monounsaturated fats and includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, fish, legumes, cereals, and nuts. You may also want to keep in mind what the Mediterranean diet doesn't include: a lot of red meat, alcohol or dairy. The foods that proved the most mood-lifting benefits were fruits, nuts, legumes, and olive oil. These good for you foods have been around a long time and you always want to keep them in your lifestyle tool box.
While another recent Study has found these TV food ads peddle huge amounts of sugar and fat, with few fruits and vegetables can you imagine how unhealthful this is if you aren't paying attention to what your consuming and putting down your throat on a regular basis. Some of this information is so alarming! If you let TV ads dictate your diet and what you eat this is what you will get huge amounts of sugar and fat but precious few of vegetables, fruits, and nuts in your diet. That's the findings of a new study that analyzed what would happen if a person were to eat 2,000 calories of foods that are advertised from the tube.
"The results of this study clearly show and suggested that the foods advertised on television tend to oversupply nutrients associated with chronic illnesses including saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium. These ads also under supply potassium, fiber, Vitamin A,D, and E ," and and could protect us against other illnesses as well.
Researches came to their conclusions after analyzing the food advertised during 84 hours of prime-time broadcasts and 12 hours of Saturday morning broadcasts during a month. You can find these findings in the June issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association.
It is a wonder why are food and mood matter. More importantly we can't afford to make any more emotional decisions without being aware at all times. Believe it or not my friends you do have control I am living proof. Just think a sound body, mind and spirit wouldn't that be wonderful! Have a healthy and happy day!
By, Natalie Pyles
Source: Maggie Moon, MS. RD, (Sa'nchez Villegos et al.2009), Health Day, Journal of the American Dietetic Association
Author, NSA Speaker, Health, Fitness, & Nutrition Consultant, Wellness Coach, Holistic Health, Nutrition, and Nursing Educator, Medical Exercise and Post Rehab Conditioning Specialist
1 comment:
I am really glad that I don't eat those diet food that are being shown on the TV..!!Its really important that we eat proper and nutritious food for us to avoid diseases like diabetes and to avoid obesity as well..!!Proper diets and exercise would really help a lot.!!Great information..!!
phoenix personal fitness
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