Fanatical Fat-Burner and Stress Buster for the "Bride-to-Be" Part 6 No Fancy Fitness Watches or Lab Appointments from Fitness Elements Express!

Fanatical Fat-Burner and Stress Buster for the "Bride-to-Be" Part 6 No Fancy Fitness Watches or Lab Appointments!
How to gauge your exercise intensity and use the intensity Rating scale with the F.E.E. Combined-Sensation-Effort Supramaximal-Intensity-Interval(Circuit Training) calorie-ticker-kicker systemIf there is one thing I know about a Bride-to-Be she is in a hurry with lots to do and little time to waste so every second counts so I will get straight to the point. This Combined-Sensation-Effort system will get you in and out of the gym, park, or at-home gym in 59-79 minutes or less, and will educate you in both of the areas of intensity rating and how to use the intensity rating scale.The idea is to get you how to gauge your exercise intensity. > How to gauge your exercise intensity Besides heart rate and the amount of oxygen you consume during exercise (VO2 max), determining your exertion is as easy as quantifying it with an intensity rating. No fancy watches or lab appointments are necessary; perceived exertion is simply how hard you feel your body is working based on the physical sensations you experience-increased heart rate, breathing rate, sweating and muscle fatigue. Although this is a subjective measure, your exertion rating can provide a fairly good estimate of your actual heart rate during physical activity. This allows you to adjust the intensity (and, as a result, improve the benefits) of your workout. > How to use the intensity Rating Scale Perception of exertion should reflect how heavy and strenuous the exercise feels, combining all sensations of physical stress, effort and fatigue. Use the scale below as your guide. Choose the number that best describes your level of exertion, as it will give you a good idea of the intensity level of your activity, and you can use this data to speed up or slow down your movements to reach your desired range. Most important, concentrate on how you feel instead of what the actual workout load is. If you get hung up on numbers, time, weight or your treadmill neighbor, you won't be able to get an honest assessment. I have provided a sample Intensity rating Description Guide Intensity Rating/Description - 0/Complete Rest
- 1/Very Weak
- 2/Weak
- 3/Moderate
- 4/Somewhat hard
- 5-6/Hard
- 7-9/Very Hard
- 10/Extremely hard (almost maximal)
- 10+/Exhaustion
Here is your 59-79 Minute or less Workout number 6 of the F.E.E. calorie-ticker-kicker system (Circuit Training) and Supramaximal-Interval-burning method To keep this simple we will call this the Supramaximal- Intensity-Interval training which is what all Brides-to-Be want so do the following and to attain the lasting effects of a lean, tight -toned-total body, you must push yourself to make your metabolism, and cardiovascular fitness stronger. Including this fitness landscape, increasing your fat loss abilities and a structured nutrition plan will make you the star of your Special Day! Throughout this workout, remember to keep up your crunching, and cardio bunching, and keep up the pace so that your PE stays between 6 and 8; rest a few seconds between exercises and combinations if necessary by marching in place, but don't stop moving. Quick Tip Challenge yourself to get the interval-intensity going Bride-to-Be! Think 15-20 one-minute all-out sprints with 2-5minute walks in between. Duration: 60-80 minutes Intensity: High (7-9 intensity rating) Why it works: When researchers at Flinders University of South Australia (Adelaide) compared continuous running for 30 minutes at 70% VO2 max (about 80% MHR) and interval running of 20 one-minute intervals at 105% VO2 max (100%-plus MHR) with two-minute rest periods, the latter was the excess postexercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). EPOC represents the energy required to recover from exercise. The supramaximal interval training had double the EPOC levels as its continuous-exercise counterpart. In another study, Norwegian scientists found that supramaximal training of three two-minute bouts of exercise followed by three-minute rest periods produced EPOC for up to four hours. > I hope this helps you get going and your big day a great success! Enjoy number Six of Your Supramaximal-Intensity-Interval training Bride-to-Be this calorie-kicker-ticker will win big points for Your special day along with your metabolism and cardiovascular tools for Your future health, fitness, and nutrition! Have a healthy and happy day! By, Natalie Pyles Author, NSA speaker, Health, Fitness, and Nutrition Expert, Wellness and Lifestyle Coach, and creator of the Workout-Bridal-Walk System for Brides-to-Be, and the F.E.E. Supramaximal-Interval-Intensity (Circuit Training) calorie-kicker-ticker system
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Fitness Elements and Associates provides fitness and nutritional instruction on a one on one basis either in the conveniance of your home or at the gym! You will meet with a licensed dietician and certified personal trainer to discuss your current lifestyle habits and set healthy attainable goals. Together through exercise, nutrition and coaching your goals WILL be met. We are happy to meet with clients of all ages and fitness levels!
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